Sunday, March 16, 2008

The Black Eye

One day when Julie was about six, and I was about sixteen, I was hanging out in the living room with my friends, and as usual, Julie was there having some fun with us and wanting to play. Somehow my friend Tom got her into the old trick pulling contest. He held her wrist in his hand and told her to pull as hard as she could; and she did. When he let go, bam! She hit herself right in the eye. It wasn't very funny at the time, but after the initial cry she was a terrific sport about it, and ever since it's given us a good laugh.
Thanks to everyone for sharing. If you have a favorite memory of Julie (I'm not saying the black eye was mine, though it was - eventually - funny) please share it.

1 comment:

VCappola said...

I love the smiling eyes....even through one black one!
That picture is priceless!